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72 pages
57 photos
67lb vellum Bristol cover 20lb pages
Trimmed and stitch bound hand made in South Beacon Hill Seattle

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In 1999 I had just graduated from Hunter College with student loan debt a BA degree in Art/Studio and I ignorantly joined a wave of gentrification in Brooklyn as a starving artist looking for affordable live/work space. So I have a BA in Art/Studio and I'm freaking out with no job and think of joining the Army when I got my first Student loan bill. While searching the internet for Black Star the hip hop duo of Mos Def and Talib Kwi, I found Black Star Photo Agency's ad for an internship. I started interning in the photo library and eventually got hired as a photo researcher. I was horrible at it, Id get lost looking at the thousands of Civil Rights photos. I met documentary photographer. Joseph Rodriguez at Black star and started interning for him at night after work. The first night at Joe's he asked me what I learned over at that college of mine, when I didnt know who
Sebastiao Salgado was... I didn't even know about Roy Decarava and he taught at Hunter College while I was there. Besides the visual education he gave me, Joe taught me to be myself and to use my obsessive/addictive personality to actually create something. Most importantly he taught me to give a shit about what I photograph because there's a real chance that no one else will.
-Manhattan and Brooklyn neighborhoods are among the nation's most gentrified